New resources are now available to parents, educators and policy makers from the Alliance for Continuous Improvement (ACI)! These new resources can be found on the ACI’s Program pages on this website.

The #MeetTheDash videos and fliers are designed for teachers and school and district leaders to use with parents and community members, so they can learn more about the California School Dashboard. The “Four Big Upgrades” fliers were developed to help educators explain the major updates to California’s K-12 public education system and how they work together.

Similarly, the Education Brief for Legislators and Candidates helps state leaders, policymakers and legislators understand and explain how the updates to California’s K-12 public education system work together to support equitable outcomes for all students, and why staying on this path is the best way forward for the state’s students.

If you have questions about using these resources or have suggestions for future resources, please contact