Registration for the Summer Institute is open! Our team is excited to invite labor-management teams back to San Diego for the 2023 CA LMI Summer Institute on June 20-22, 2023. The CA LMI Summer Institute will bring together labor-management teams to hear from experts, partners and exemplar districts around navigating the current times, sustaining labor-management teams and building community. Labor-management teams will also have time within the institute to collaboratively plan for challenges and opportunities around the 2023-2024 school year.

The Summer Institute is three days of learning, sharing, and relationship building with tools and structured time to work closely with your labor-management team and plan for the next school year.  It is designed for you – District & County office labor-management teams. The event will be adaptable for teams to use the Summer Institute as a space for planning for the upcoming school year or reflecting on the past year. Register today!


Ideally, a complete team includes: 

  • Superintendent

  • Member(s) from the Superintendent’s cabinet, like an HR Director

  • Certificated Union leader(s)

  • Classified Union leader(s)

  • School Board member(s)

Many teams also include key central office staff from ed services, facilities and finance. Site-level staff including principals and union building reps who are encouraged to attend for teams moving the work deeper into school sites.  Connect with your leadership and take advantage of this annual gathering. And if you are a leader, register your team today!